Rico Eastman"Nautilus"Opens in new window (N)
Dale Hallberg, "Untitled (seven sculptures)"Opens in new window (U-DH)
Lloyd Hamrol"Redoubling Wallpath"Opens in new window (RW)
Maren Hassinger
"Twelve Trees #2"Opens in new window (TT)
Ray Hein"Water Wall"Opens in new window (WW)
Jene Highstein"Flame"Opens in new window (F)
Shoji Matsumoto"Five Untitled Sculptures"Opens in new window (FS)
Dean McNeil"Tombstone"Opens in new window (T)
Dustin Shuler, "California Carwash"Opens in new window  (CC)
Stanislav Szukalski"Imploration"Opens in new window (I)
Michael Todd"Homage to David Smith"Opens in new window (HDS)

Not currently on view
Jason Chakravarty and Derek Parker, "In’Direction"
Michael Davis,"Terra Firma/Terra Incognita" 
Woods Davy, "Parma"
Guy Girard Dill,  "Millwood"
Clare Falkensein,  "Sun #27"
Charles Fine,  "Herramientas de la Vida"  
Dextra Frankel, "Weathervane" 
Bernard J. Rosenthal, "Terrace Screen"
DeWain Valentine,
 "Diamond Column"

Richard Turner"Wall Gazing Gallery" 
(Unknown)"Double Scoop Ice Cream Cone" 

Visual Arts Complex sculpture map


Clare Falkensein, "Game Action"Opens in new window  (GA)
Eric Goulder, "Arise"Opens in new window  (A)
Stephen Corey Metzger, "Solstice II"  Opens in new window (SII)
Jay S. Willis, "Lemonade"  Opens in new window (L)

North and Central Campus sculpture map


Harold Leroy “Hal” Pastorius, "Celestial"Opens in new window  (C)
Dustin Shuler, "The Sea Bee"Opens in new window  (SB)
(Unknown), "Fallen David"Opens in new window  (FD)

East Campus sculpture map


Richard Aber, "Paradigms"Opens in new window (P)
Betty Gold, "Kaikoo H. XI"Opens in new window  (K)
Eugene Sturman, "Thermalo Vortex"Opens in new window  (TV)

South Campus sculpture map

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Last Published 5/8/23

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