CSU Summer Arts 2016: My Trip to Monterey Bay
By Andrea Patrie

First off, this was the longest I have ever been away from my children.  Immediately, I was overwhelmed by the beauty of Monterey. Pair that with the notion of not having children for two weeks! It was a bit overwhelming. Thankfully, I brought my bike and took time to explore the landscape. Being outside and exercising helps stimulate my creative side. I love the ocean and have always had a strong pull to it, so this was the perfect location.

The first week was a little rocky for me. Getting into a groove without kids, being away from home, and eating dorm food was a big change. We divided up studio space and I had the opportunity to share a space with two great girls. We were deemed “the messy room” and had a large space in a building all by itself. We had access to almost any kind of tool known to man and were given free-reign to explore them to our hearts content. On our day off, we took a trip to the newly renovated San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. This was the most powerful experience I have ever had. I cried at least four times looking at paintings.  

For the last week, I pretty much worked day and night to get this painting presentable for the show.  It was a large-scale work - approximately 4 x 5.’ Thankfully, I got the painting to a place where I was happy with the results; I pushed myself harder than I ever have. My growth as a painter and the amount of dedication I mustered is something I am very proud of.

I would like to thank everyone who made this trip possible: my parents for helping with my daughter; my son for being so grown up; my faculty advisors for always supporting what I do and pushing me beyond what I think I am capable of; and the College of the Arts for helping fund a large portion of the tuition. I am grateful to all the visiting artists (specifically, Jessica Wimbley, Chris Christion, Rebecca Campbell, and Tom LaDuke). Their support gave me valuable insight into my craft. I am also grateful to Samantha Field, our facilitator, for being present and taking the time to make all of us feel special.

Lastly, I am grateful for the opportunity to engage with other artists and form a community of passionate people dedicated to the arts and the making of things. 

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Last Published 4/4/22

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