Review Found Issues

Compliance Sheriff Top 10 Issues

To review found issues, go to the 'Top 10 Issues' section in your Health Report.  You will see three types of issues including failures, warnings and visual checks.  Select any of the links you would like to work on and this will take you directly to your rendered site view shown below. It's important to keep in mind that all failures are priority 1 issues and must be fixed in order to pass compliancy.   

Issue Types

HiSoftware fail icon Fail - Issues that don't pass compliancy.

HiSoftware warning icon Warning - Potential to not pass compliancy.

HiSoftware Visual checks icon Visual Checks - Need visual confirmation that it passes compliancy.

sample Rendered site view

HiSoftware compliance Sheriff site with issue

A short description is shown in the top red bar and identified in the actual body of the page outlined in red. In addition, the top red bar shows the occurrances and provides a link to 'how to fix' the issue and another link to the 'code source' view.  Selecting 'code source' will allow you to pinpoint the issue highlighted in red in code view (see below).        

sample code source view

HiSoftware Compliance Sheriff code behind