Website Roles and Expectations

Websites don't just happen. They take maintenance and people to manage them. Some of these people will create content, while others configure it to appear correctly on the page. Then there are those who don't necessarily work directly on websites but oversee that they are maintained correctly.


Why are roles important?

We are working to make sure the right people are contacted when a problem is found or persists for a long period of time.  While we don't expect that managers are going to directly fix problems, we also don't expect that technical users will always have the context for the content on the page either.  

Depending on your role you may get different notifications at different times all with the goal that problems are resolved.  To help with messages to the right people we have defined four roles associated website support.

A person may be one or more roles simultaneously.  Likewise, a site may have more than one user in any or all roles.


Who Has Access?

To see who is currently assigned the roles on a website review the information in IT Self Service which will help you navigate through IT Web Services.

Website Roles

Directors: Users who manage websites at a very high level.  They can assign managers and direct website personnel.  Typically this is a Dean or VP or equivalent level.


Managers: Users who have authority over website personnel and resources.  Faculty are not considered managers by default but can be if site directors approve.


ATI Lead: Have a clear understanding of content and can make decisions about site setup and resolve content issues.  These people can also advise technical personnel when making changes.  ATI leads can be technical but not required to understand HTML/CSS.


Technical: Have a working knowledge of HTML/CSS and can make changes to websites. They should understand ATI issues and can work with ATI Leads to resolve them. Technical users are not always content creators or have deep knowledge of local processes described in website documentation.