Website Access

To request website access for yourself or others use Web Services.  Select the Website Access request form. 

Having access to a site can grant you permissions through OmniUpdate and allow you to view just the site information in Service-Now. Access is required to log into OmniUpdate for website editing. Note that this does not grant direct server access to website files.


Website Access Request Form

Website Access Request Form Opens in new window

  • Request For: you can get access for yourself or others.  
  • ATI Role: what is the primary role for this user. 
  • Additional Access: if you want this user to have access to the OmniUpdate (if available) website indicate that.  
  • Campus Websites: list out the website url(s) that you want people to have access to.

If you are submitting a request for multiple people you can add those additional comments in the Campus Websites section.  You can also do indiviual requests for each person.

*Some request may require additional authorization before access is granted.