Scanning Sites

How often and when

Campus sites are scanned at least every 90 days.  If you are working through a current scan realize that any visual checkpoints you have passed will automatically reset after a fresh scan.  It is recommended that you always begin with a fresh scan and then revise results as you work through that scan's results.  

Scans can take a few minutes to a few hours depending on the content.  To constantly do a rescan after you fix an issue would certainly be a waste of time.   If you are starting to do your regular scan and notice the last time a scan was done is more than three days old, we recommend doing a fresh scan.  This way you will not be working on issues that may have already been fixed and anything new will be addressed in the scan.

As you work through the scan issues, we recommend you revise results as you fix things instead of rescanning the site again.  

Starting A fresh Scan

Compliance Sheriff run

To start a scan on the site, go to the Scan tab and double check to see that the correct department is selected under the Scan Group drop down menu.  Once you've located your site, select the Run icon which is on the right side of the health score.  

Once you start a scan it will process the site and rebuild the health report summary.  Compliance Sheriff will notify you of the status while it runs and once completed a new health score will appear.  If the scan fails or has an issue you may see that the scan aborted.  You can retry the scan but if it continues to abort, contact the IT web team for assistance.

First time logging in

If it's your first time logging in, ignore the alert message regarding your account not being able to create scans because your scans should already be created for you.



The majority of what is documented here is for the use of an automatic scan, which means a service like Compliance Sheriff has conducted the review.  

Review the documenation which will guide you through the process of reviewing issues, resolving them, and then getting a report to upload as proof of a verified ATI scan.



Periodically and randomly the Campus will conduct a manual ATI review of sites or pages within sites.  The automatic scanning that is done is good, but there's always room for improvement when it comes to computer scanning.

Manual scans are all done by humans using additional tools like Wave, ANDI, or just visually review code.  It is labor intensive but will find issues that the computer did not report.  These can be a wide range from poor ATI compliant content, bad tab navigation, plugin issues, misspellings or malformed page design in mobile.

The IT web team will notify you of any issues found during a manual scan and work with you to resolve them and help site owners avoid future issues.  

When manual scans are conducted the site will be set to fail if any issues are found.  Once resolved the site will be set to passing after verified issues are resolved.