Art Alliance Scholarship recipient Andrea Patrie discusses her work.


Download the Art Alliance brochure


The Art Alliance is a CSUF volunteer support group that seeks to promote excellence in and enjoyment of the arts, and to encourage art experiences within the university and the community.


Members of the Art Alliance at California State University, Fullerton contribute to the Visual Arts Department, Begovich Gallery, and to the Exhibition Design graduate program, all of which are dedicated to the encouragement of individual achievement in the visual arts.

Members share in an exciting program of innovative exhibitions, lectures, and tours, as well as informal and formal gatherings with artists, faculty and students.

Membership commitment is the basis for the additional financial support that is essential for the continuation of quality exhibitions and programming in the Visual Arts Department.

The Art Alliance designates funds to support gallery exhibitions, exhibition catalogues, opening receptions, scholarships for art students, and sculpture acquisitions.

Members enjoy a wide range of stimulating exhibitions, which explore different forms of expression and meaning in an ever-expanding world of art and culture.


• Invitations to Members Only previews and special events in Begovich Gallery
• Mailings for all Gallery exhibitions and Visual Arts Department special events
• Subscription to the Art Alliance Newsletter
• Participation in the enrichment group
• Inclusion in the membership book
• Discounts to CSUF events

Membership Levels

Benefactor $500+
Donor $250
Patron/Business $100
Sponsor $75
Family $60
Individual $50
Student $10

Benefactor, Donor, and Patron level members will be acknowledged on a placard at the Begovich Gallery entrance.

For more information

Visual Arts Department: 657-278-3471
College of the Arts, Dean’s Office: 657-278-3256
Begovich Gallery, Director’s Office: 657-278-7750